AIIMS Bsc Nursing Coaching in Chandigarh – Surbhi Academy one of the best academy who provide AIIM Bsc Nursing Exam Coaching in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana etc.
100% Success rate + full study materials with mock test
Call for more details: 09915109266
How can I apply aiims nursing in 2020?
AIIMS Nursing 2020 open round counselling for B.Sc nursing notice has been released. AIIMS Nursing exam is managed by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. It is organized on a national level basis. Through this entrance exam, admission are offered in B.Sc & M.Sc nursing courses.
How can I become an aiims nurse?
AIIMS M.Sc Nursing Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s degree in B.Sc Nursing (Post Certificate)/B.Pharmacy/Post Basic/B.Sc Nursing/B.Sc (Hons.) …
- Candidates belonging to General/OBC category should secure a minimum of 60% in the qualifying exam and those belonging to SC/ST should secure 55%
Table of Contents
All India Institute of Medical Sciences was established by an Act of Parliament in 1956 as an autonomous institution of national importance. By virtue of this Act, the Institute grants its own medical degrees and other academic distinctions. The degrees granted by the Institute under the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Act are recognised medical qualifications for the purpose of the Indian Medical Council Act and, notwithstanding anything contained in the said Act, are deemed to be included in the first schedule of that Act, entitling the holders to the same privileges as those attached to the equivalent awards from the recognised Universities of India. |
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The prime concern of the Institute is to develop patterns of teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in all the branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of medical education to all medical colleges and other allied institutions in India. The educational principles and practices being adopted are those which are best suited to the needs of the nation. |
AIIMS Bsc Nursing Coaching in Chandigarh
I. | General Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes | 07 02 01 |
II. | AIIMS (Departmental) candidates | |
General | 08 | |
S.C. | 01 | |
S.T. | 01 | |
Total | 20 |
DURATION OF THE COURSE – Two Academic years.ELIGIBILITY A Candidate must have : |
(i) | Passed Senior Secondary (10+2) or an equivalent examination from a recognised Board/University. Those who have done 10+1 on or before 1986 will also be eligible to apply. |
(ii) | Obtained a Certificate in General Nursing and midwifery and be an ‘A’ Grade nurse, registered with State Nurses Registration Counicl. In case of male nurse, he should have obtained a certificate in General Nursing and, instead of training in Midwifery, tarining in any tow subjects out of the following: (a)Venereal Disease Nursing, (b) Tuberculosis Nursing, (c)Ophthaimic Nursing, (d)Psychiatry Nursing, (e)Operation Theatre Techniques for a period of three montsh in each. He should be an ‘A’ Grade nurse registered with the State Nurses Registration Council. |
(iii) | Worked for a minimum period of three years as a staff nurse in recognised hospital or as a Public Health Nurse, after obtaining the above mentioned certificates. |
a) | Competitive Entrance ExaminationThe candidates will be required to appear at the competitive entrance examination on Sunday, the 14th May, 2000 followed by the Personal Assessment/Interview on 16th May, 2000.The Examination will be held at Delhi only.The competitive entrance examination will be of 90 minutes duration and will have one paper containing objective type (multiple choice) questions in the subjects of Fundamentals of Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing including Anatomy, Physiology & Pharmacology, Obstetric Nursing and Midwifery, Paediatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing and Professional Trends in Nursing. |
b) | past academic performanceAll the eligible candidates will be assigned marks based on the following:- Past academic attainment in the Higher Secondary or Senior Cambridge or Intermediate or an equivalent examination.- Past academic attainment in the Nursing examination:- Performance as a staff Nurse.The performance of marks secured by the candidates in the above or higher examination shall be taken into consideration and marks up to a maxumum of 10 shall be assigned for his/her performace as a Staff Nurse etc. |
c) | Personal AssessmentOn the basis of the merit list based on (a) & (b) above, candidates three times the number of seats advertised will be invited to A.I.I.M.S. for personal assessment by s Selection Committee. If requisite number of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes are not available for personal assessment, then the number of candiates from general category will be proportionately increased.The personal assessment of candidates by the Selection Committee will include evaluation of candidate’s past academic record; his/her performance as a Staff Nurse and the performance at the interiview. On the basis of the assessment by the Selection Committee, candidates will be assessed and a merit list will be drawn-up. If requisite number of suitable candidates are not available to fill seats reserved for the Scheduled Castes, the unfilled seats will be filled by candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes and vice versa. In case suitable candidates are not available from the two reserved categories, the vacant seats will be filled by candidates form the General category, The offer of admission to candidates who fail to join by the date stipulated in the admission letter, shall stand automatically cancelled, and such seats will be offered to the candidates on the waiting list in the order of merit.Selected candidates will be required to produce the original certificates/testimonials/documents as specified under ‘Instruction for filling up the application form’ at the time of admission. |
1. | The candidates who are permanent employees of any Central/State Government or the Armed Forces can besponsored by the repective Central/State Government or the Defence Authority. |
2. | The sponsorship certificate should be completed in the application form duly signed by the appointing authority. |
3. | No seat is reserved for sponsored candidates |
REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSION OR FOREIGN NATIONALSOne seat over and above the sanctioned number of seats as specified in the prospectus at page 1, is available for foreign national candidates. The eligibility criteria for foreign students will be the same as for the Indian students as specified in the prospectus. However, the admission will be made on the basis of marks/grade secured by them. The foreign notional candidates are exempted from appearing in the Entrance Examination conducted for admission to the said course.The foreign national candidates are required to fill in the application form prescribed by the Institute for this purpose. The application form routed through the diplomatic channels must reach the Institute within the pescribed time period. Applications received directly will not be entertained. NOTE: NO HOSTEL ACCOMMODATION WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO FOREIGN STUDENTS. THEY WILL HAVE TO MAKE THEIR OWN ARRANGEMENTS FOR STAY DURING THE COURSE OF STUDY IN THE INSTITUTE. |
FEES Each candidate selected for admission will have to pay the following fees immediately after the announcement of the selection list, failing which his/her admission will be cancelled and next candidate on the waiting list will be admitted in his/her place.- Tuition Fees Rs.50/- Being half of the annual tution fee of Rs.100/- payable in two instalments.- Hostel Rent Rs.60/- Being half of the annual Hostel Rent of Rs.120/- payable in two instalments.- Pot money Rs.6/- Being half of the pot fund charges of Rs.12/- payable in two instalments.- Caution money Rs.100/- To be deposited by every student for the recovery of damage to hostel furniture, laboratory equipment etc.- Registration Fee Rs.25/- |
STIPEND Selected candidates will get a stipend of Rs.500/- p.m. depending upon the acailablility of funds. Such candidates will be required to sign a bond to serve the Institute for a minimum period of one year after the completion of the course if asked to do so.For the grant of the stipend, the decision of the Dean/Director shall be final and binding.NOTE: The sponsored/foreign national candidates and those who are in service, will not be paid any emoluments by the Institute during the training period. |
INSTRUCTION FOR FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORMThe application form must be filledd in after carefully in after carefully reading the advertisement and the Prospectus. Applications which are incomplete or without reqqired particulars or enclosures will not be considered. |
The original application form should be filled in. Photo copy of the form is nor acceptable (except as “Advance copy”).The application form, duly filled-in, should be accompained by attested true copies of the following documents: | |
– | Three recent passport size photographs of the candidate as per ‘instructions for Photograph’ in this Prospectus. |
– | Matriculation/Higher Secondary Certificate issued by University/Board showing the date of birth of the candidate. (No other evidence of the candidate’s date of birth shall be accepted.) |
– | Certificate of Physical fitness from registered medical practitioner. |
– | Certificate of good conduct from the head of the Institution where he/she last served/is serving. |
– | The Certificates of General Nursing and Midwifery (in case of male nurse, instead of midwifery, cerificate of training in any two of the following subjects namely (a) Venereal Disease Nursing, (b) Tuberculosis Nursing, (c) Ophthalmi Nursing, (d) Pshchiatry Nursing, (e) Operation Theatre Techiques for a period of three months in each) along with Marksheets. |
– | The Certificate of Registration from the Indian Nursing Council/State Nurses Council. |
– | Migration certificate from the University/Board last attended. |
– | Experience certificate issued by competent authority (not below the rank of Matron). |
– | Certificate of Merit/Sports/other educational or Professional activities (if any). |
– | Certificate of employment by the appointing authority. |
– | In respect of the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or scheduled Tribes, a ceritified true copy of the cerificate (on the prescribed form given hereunder) from one of the following authorities : |
1 | District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy commessioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ city Magistrate/Sub divisional Magistrate*/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner.* ( Not below the rank of 1st class Stipendiary Magistrate) |
2. | Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate. |
3. | Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. |
4. | Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/orhis/her family normally resides. |
5. | Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer (Lashadeep Islands) |
Candidate must note that certificate from any other person/authority will not be accepted. |
AIIMS Bsc Nursing Coaching in Chandigarh
Contact Address:
Surbhi Academy Chandigarh – ISO Certified Academy
SCO 54-55, 3rd Floor, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh
Call: 09915109266