AIIMS Bsc Nursing Coaching in Chandigarh

AIIMS Bsc Nursing Coaching in Chandigarh – Surbhi Academy one of the best academy who provide AIIM Bsc Nursing Exam Coaching in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana etc.
100% Success rate + full study materials with mock test
Call for more details: 09915109266
How can I apply aiims nursing in 2020?
AIIMS Nursing 2020 open round counselling for B.Sc nursing notice has been released. AIIMS Nursing exam is managed by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. It is organized on a national level basis. Through this entrance exam, admission are offered in B.Sc & M.Sc nursing courses.
How can I become an aiims nurse?
AIIMS M.Sc Nursing Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s degree in B.Sc Nursing (Post Certificate)/B.Pharmacy/Post Basic/B.Sc Nursing/B.Sc (Hons.) …
- Candidates belonging to General/OBC category should secure a minimum of 60% in the qualifying exam and those belonging to SC/ST should secure 55%
All India Institute of Medical Sciences was established by an Act of Parliament in 1956 as an autonomous institution of national importance. By virtue of this Act, the Institute grants its own medical degrees and other academic distinctions. The degrees granted by the Institute under the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Act are recognised medical qualifications for the purpose of the Indian Medical Council Act and, notwithstanding anything contained in the said Act, are deemed to be included in the first schedule of that Act, entitling the holders to the same privileges as those attached to the equivalent awards from the recognised Universities of India. |
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The prime concern of the Institute is to develop patterns of teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in all the branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of medical education to all medical colleges and other allied institutions in India. The educational principles and practices being adopted are those which are best suited to the needs of the nation. |