NDA Exam Pattern and Syllabus of 2018
- It consists of two papers which are given in the table as below:
- The first paper is Mathematics which is of 300 Marks. The duration of this paper is 2:30 hours
- The second paper is of General Ability of 600 marks. The duration of this Exam also is 2:30 hours
- After the Written Exam, those aspirants clear the exam give SSB interview which is of 900 marks total Marks -1800
NDA coaching in Chandigarh in sector 34 -A
NDA 2018 exam syllabus
Mathematics Syllabus:
The Mathematics paper covers the following chapters and topics:
- Trigonometrical ratios
- properties of triangles
- Angles and their measures in degrees and in radians
- Inverse trigonometric functions
- Trigonometric identities Sum and difference formulae
- Applications – Height and distance
- Multiple and Sub-multiple angles.
- Complex numbers – basic properties
- modulus
- Conversion of a number in decimal system to binary system and vice-versa
- Arithmetic
- the argument
- cube roots of unity
- Geometric and Harmonic Progressions
- A solution of linear inequations of two variables by graphs
- Representation of real numbers on a line
- The binary system of numbers
- Binomial theorem and its application
- Quadratic equations with real coefficients
- Permutation and Combination
- Logarithms and their applications.
Differential Calculus:
- Composite functions,
- one to one
- onto and inverse functions,
- geometrical and physical interpretation of a derivative – applications
- increasing and decreasing functions,
- Continuity of functions
- algebraic operations on continuous functions
- Application of derivatives in problems of maxima and minima
- The concept of a real-valued function – domain, range, and the graph of a function
- The notion of limit, Standard limits – examples, geometrical and physical interpretation of a derivative – applications, Derivative of a function at a point
- Derivatives of sum
- product and quotient of functions
- A derivative of a function with respect to another function
- A derivative of a composite function and Second order derivatives.
Vector Algebra:
- Vectors in two and three dimensions
- scalar multiplication of the vector
- scalar product or dot product of two vectors
- Applications-work has done by a force and moment of a force, and in geometrical problems, magnitude and direction of a vector
- Unit and null vectors, the addition of vectors
- Vector product and cross product of two vectors.
Integral Calculus and Differential equations:
- Integration by substitution and by parts
- trigonometric Definition of order and degree of a differential equation
- formation of a differential equation by examples
- exponential and hyperbolic functions
- a solution of first order
- first-degree differential equations of various types – examples, standard integrals involving algebraic expressions
- Evaluation of definite integrals – determination of areas of plane regions bounded by curves – applications
- General and particular solution of a differential equation, Integration as inverse of differentiation, Application in problems of growth and decay.
Matrices and Determinants:
- Types of Matrices
- The determinant of a matrix
- adjoint and the inverse of a square matrix
- operations on matrices, Applications – Solution of a system of linear equations in two or three unknowns by Cramer’s rule and by Matrix Method, basic properties of the determinant.
Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions:
- Distance formula, Equation of a circle in standard and in general form
- Ellipse and hyperbola
- The angle between two lines
- Rectangular Cartesian Coordinate system
- The equation of a line in various forms
- Standard forms of parabola
- The distance of a point from a line
- Eccentricity and axis of a conic.
- Point in a three-dimensional space
- the distance between two points
- The equation of a plane and a line in various forms
- The equation of a sphere
- Direction Cosines and direction ratios
- the angle between two lines and the angle between two planes.
- Frequency distribution
- Classification of data
- cumulative frequency distribution – examples Graphical representation – Histogram,
- Measures of Central tendency – mean, median and mode
- Pie Chart
- Frequency Polygon – examples, Variance and standard deviation
- determination and comparison
- Correlation and regression.
- outcomes and associated sample space
- Binomial distribution, Random experiment
- examples of random experiments giving rise to Binominal distribution
- events
- mutually exclusive and exhaustive events
- Bayes’ theorem – simple problems, impossible and certain events, Complementary,
- elementary and composite events, Union and Intersection of events, Definition of probability – classical and statistical – examples, Conditional probability, Random variable as function on a sample space
- Elementary theorems on probability – simple problems, Binomial distribution, examples of random experiments giving rise to Binominal distribution.
General Ability Syllabus
Part A
English: The English syllabus covers the topics like vocabulary, Grammar, and usage, comprehension and cohesion in extended text to test the candidate’s proficiency in English.
Part B
General Knowledge: The question paper comprises of general knowledge and covers the subjects that include Physics, Chemistry, Social Studies, General Science, Geography and Current Events.
Section A – Physics
- The motion of objects
- Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Force and Momentum
- Parallelogram of Forces
- Stability and Equilibrium of bodies
- Gravitation, elementary ideas of work
- Velocity and Acceleration
- Power and Energy
- Sound waves and their properties
- Simple musical instruments
- Natural and Artificial Magnets
- Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet
- Siphon
- Levers
- Balloon
- Pumps
- Hydrometer
- Pressure Cooker
- Thermos Flask
- Gramophone
- Telegraphs
- Telephone
- Periscope
- Telescope
- Microscope
- Mariner’s Compass
- Lightening Conductors
- Safety Fuses
- Simple Pendulum
- Simple Pulleys
- Physical Properties and States of Matter
- Mass
- Weight
- Volume
- Density and Specific Gravity
- Principle of Archimedes
- Pressure Barometer
- Effects of Heat
- change of State and Latent Heat
- Modes of transference of Heat
- Rectilinear propagation of Light
- Reflection and refraction
- Spherical mirrors and Lenses
- Human Eye, Static and Current Electricity
- Measurement of temperature and heat
- conductors and Non-conductors
- Ohm’s Law, Simple Electrical Circuits
- Heating
- Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current
- Measurement of Electrical Power
- Primary and Secondary Cells
- Use of X-Rays.
Section B – Chemistry
- Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon-Di-oxide, Oxidation, and Reduction
- Material used in the preparation of substances like soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches, and Gun-Powder, Carbon – different forms, Physical and Chemical changes. Symbols
- Formulas and simple Chemical Equations
- Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems)
- Properties of Air and Water
- Acids, bases, and salts
- Elements
- Mixtures and Compounds
- Fertilizers – Natural and Artificial
- Elementary ideas about the Structure of Atom
- Atomic
- Equivalent and Molecular Weights
- Valency
Section C – General Science
- The basis of Life – Cells, Protoplasms, and Tissues
- Constituents of food, Balanced Diet
- Achievements of Eminent Scientists
- Difference between the living and non-living
- Elementary knowledge of human Body and its important organs
- Food – Source of Energy for man
- Growth, and Reproduction in Plants and Animals,
- Common Epidemics – their causes and prevention
- The Solar System – Meteors and Comets
- Eclipses.
Section D – History
- Freedom Movement in India
- Bhoodan
- Sarvodaya
- National Integration and Welfare State
- Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi
- A broad survey of Indian History
- with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation
- Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India
- Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration
- Panchayati Raj
- Forces shaping the modern world
- Renaissance
- Exploration and Discovery
- War of American Independence
- French Revolution
- Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution
- Impact of Science and Technology on Society
- The concept of one World, United Nations
- Panchsheel
- Democracy
- Socialism and Communism
- Co-operatives and Community Development
- Role of India in the present world.
Section E – Geography
- Origin of Earth, Weathering – Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes, and volcanoes,
- Atmosphere and its composition
- Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure
- Rocks and their classification
- Planetary Winds
- cyclones and Anti-cyclones
- Humidity
- Condensation and Precipitation
- Major Natural regions of the World
- Important Sea ports and main sea, land, and air routes of India. Main items of Imports and Exports of India,
- Types of Climate,
- The Earth, its shape, and size
- Latitudes and Longitudes
- Concept of time
- International Date Line
- movements of Earth and their effects
- Ocean Currents and Tides
- Regional Geography of India – Climate, Natural vegetation.
- Mineral and Power resources
- location and distribution of agricultural and industrial activities.
Section F – Current Events
Current important world events, Knowledge of Important events that have happened in India in recent years, prominent personalities – both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports.
Contact Information for NDA Coaching
- Name: Surbhi Academy
- Address: SCO-54-55, 3rd and Top Floor, Sector 34-A,
CHANDIGARH, INDIA - Phone No: 9915109266, 9878375376